marca 16, 2020

Interview.vol 8 Khanrad

Hi, my name is Khanrad LaMont, 29 years old, New York, USA

1. When and how you started taking pictures of Lego?

I started Lego photography in December of 2019.
 I came across some pretty cool Star Wars Lego photos on Instagram one day. 
I was amazed at the level of talent but also with the level of creativity. 
As a kid I grew up playing with Legos, watching Star Wars, and drawing. 
My imagination has always been so active so when I came across these post I said 
“Hey, why not give this a try?” so I did and I’m hooked!

2. How does photography affect your life?

Without photography I literally wouldn’t be where I am today.
 I met my girlfriend who at the time was into modeling, through photography. 
I ventured from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania all the way to Long Island, New York to do a shoot with her. 
After that I just kept coming back and we’re here today almost 4 years later still going strong.

I’ve met a lot of amazing people because of photography. That’s one of my favorite parts about it. 
Before I was running up and down the east coast to car meets and shows.
 Now, I’m here in the digital space interacting with members of the Lego community. 
To this day it still continues to bring me across unique and passionate individuals.

3. What is your favorite photo and why?

One of my favorite photos is “The Armory”. 
It was my first mini MOC and I was also able to showcase the custom cloths each trooper is wearing. 
There’s no boundaries when it comes to this stuff and I love that.
 Doing bigger scale MOC’s as well as more custom work to my figures is definitely something
 I will be doing more of this year.

4. What advice would you like to give beginner photographers?

The best thing I can and do say to beginner photographers is to just keep at it. 
Be patient. Put the your time in and make it count. Repetition, consistency, and most important in my opinion,
 UNDERSTANDING will always yield great results.

5. Any New Year's resolutions for 2020?

I’ve been doing photography since 2015. 
One of my goals in 2020 is to have a couple of clients by the end of the year. 
I would love to start transitioning into doing photography full-time.

Thank you so much for this interview and goodluck with 2020 resolotions! - Lukas aka LEGODATA

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